Courtesy visit with Regional Executive Director of Department of Agriculture Region 7
June 30, 2023
Climate Risk Pests and Disease @ Apo View, Davao City
July 7, 2023CLIMBS together with the cooperative movement celebrates the 2023 International Day of Cooperatives. With the theme “Cooperatives for sustainable development,” highlighting how the cooperative values and principles align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
CLIMBS advocates Cooperative Principle 5, Education, Training and Information, through the Co-operative College of the Philippines. Education has always been a core value of CLIMBS, and the organization strives to provide quality and accessible cooperative education in the Philippines and beyond.
CLIMBS gives importance to cooperative principle 6, Cooperation among cooperatives, CLIMBS believe that Cooperatives can pool resources and expertise to advance shared objectives like enhancing market access, transferring knowledge and technology, and fostering social and environmental sustainability through cooperating among each others.
CLIMBS is dedicated to promoting cooperative principle 7, Concern for the Community, by supporting resiliency and sustainability through initiatives like the Weather Protect Insurance. This insurance product is tailored to aid farmers by promoting smart farming practices and building agricultural resiliency.
CLIMBS aims to promote sustainable development and improve well-being through people and planet initiatives. The goal is to create a better world for present and future generations, allowing people to thrive while protecting the environment.
#CLIMBSINsurance #CLIMBScooperative #SDG #Resiliency #Sustainability #Cooperativesday #InternationalCooperativesDay #Coopmovement